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Laurel, MS Mold Remediation Services

Professional Mold Removal in Laurel - Contact Us Today!

Do you suspect you have mold in your home, or have you discovered mold? Call ServiceMaster Action Cleaning immediately! Our team of professional mold remediation experts can provide expert guidance, from a thorough mold inspection to discover the origin and cause of mold growth to mold removal and remediation. We know exactly how to remove mold safely so that it does not spread throughout your home or contaminate other surfaces. We will efficiently eradicate it from the source and make sure that it is eliminated for good, keeping you and your family safe and healthy. When you need an experienced mold remediation company, trust ServiceMaster Action Cleaning.

Don't hesitate! Call (601) 476-6501 for expert mold removal in Laurel right now.

Defend Your Laurel Home & Health Against Mold

before mold removal in Laurel home

There is no denying that mold looks unsightly on surfaces in your home. Unfortunately, that’s only the start of the problem. In addition to being harmful to the walls, ceilings, and floors of your property, it can also pose a risk to the health of you, your family, and anyone else in your home. It’s important to call our team of professional mold inspection and removal technicians at the first sign of a problem to avoid serious damage to your home and health.

Mold infestation can lead to:

  • Structural damage to foundations, HVAC systems, drywall, roofing, gutters, furnishings, and other areas

  • Health problems that include headaches, skin irritation, allergic reactions, breathing difficulties, aggravation of asthma symptoms, and more

What Is Mold & Where Does it Come From?

Mold is a fungus that can be found in damp or wet areas both indoors and outdoors and is comprised of many different species. Mold spores, which help mold species spread and reproduce, can be carried by water or air to new locations. Mold generally thrives in wet environments caused by high humidity, slow leaks, floods, or broken pipes. Without moisture, mold cannot survive.

When water damage occurs in your home, mold growth can quickly follow. If you've recently had a situation that required water mitigation or damage restoration, it's a good idea to follow up with a mold inspection to ensure you do not have a mold infestation.

Identify Mold in Your Laurel Home: Warning Signs

Not sure if you have mold in your home? Some things you should be on the lookout for:

  • Dark spots on your floors, walls, or ceilings
  • Musty odors of mildew
  • Respiratory and allergy issues
  • High humidity levels resulting in condensation on glass or metal surfaces

We also offercommercial mold damage remediation For businesses

Professional Mold Eradication Process

Mold removal is not a DIY project you should try to tackle. Efficient and safe removal of these fungi requires the knowledge and experience of a professional team. ServiceMaster Action Cleaning is fully prepared to get the job done efficiently and effectively. Our technicians have completed intensive mold removal training and utilize highly advanced processes for handling mold claims.

If you live in a humid area, have experienced flood damage, or have had leaky plumbing in the past, you may have mold hidden somewhere in your home. The best action you can take is to immediately call a professional. We’ll help make sure your home is always safe and secure – and provide any restoration services needed if we find your structure is at risk.

What Kills Black Mold on Wood?

This is a question we think it’s important to address for a couple of reasons. One, mold on wood furniture is very common because of how much water wood can absorb, so we know a lot of people deal with this issue. Another is, of course, because we want to make sure no one attempts by themselves to remove mold from wood that is potentially toxic. There are cleaning solutions for mold on wood that are advertised in local stores, but we advise against them because they don’t take your safety into consideration. You should be in full protective gear when handling mold.

Another thing to keep in mind is that color is not a good indicator of which mold is toxic or not–any color of mold is potentially harmful. So even if you try to avoid removal of black mold and still attempt DIY removal of another type of mold, you may still be putting yourself at risk.
Our team can completely eradicate mold growth on your wooden surfaces while keeping you safe.

Choose Laurel's Top Mold Removal Technicians

mold removal from Laurel expert

ServiceMaster Action Cleaning’s team of mold removal technicians are highly trained and experienced in successful mold remediation. Our team understands industry best practices and techniques to properly and safely find the source of your mold problem, repair it, and eradicate all mold growth. We can even help you understand the insurance claim process for disaster restoration, including mold removal.

Our Laurel mold damage restoration team is reliable and dependable. When you choose ServiceMaster Action Cleaning to get rid of your mold problem, you can rest easy knowing that you have hired a professional team who will get the job done right the first time. You don't have to take our word for it, though. See what past customers have to say!

Call Us Now at (601) 476-6501 or contact us online for mold removal near you.